- They apologised and told us about the PSN's available content. Ok obvious start.
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Looks really good... as expected. It's also 3D
- Resistance 3. Looks so much better then the last 2. I'll probably just borrow it of my mate when he gets it. Also thought I heard Crispin Freeman's voice in it.
- PSP God Of Wars are coming in HD and 3D as well as Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus... awesome!
- A PlayStation branded TV that has 3D and it's 24 inches with 2 person split 3D. Comes with 3D glasses, 6m HDMI and Resistance 3. Kinda cool I suppose.
- NBA 2K12. Now uses PS Move and I still don't care.
- Medieval Moves: Dead Mans Quest. An interesting use of the PS Move but don't care.
- InFamous 2. I am curious why they showed it since it comes out this week.
- LittleBigPlanet 2 to get an update for PS Move to make Move focused stages.
- Starhawk. So not caring about it. A space shooter... again with these things.
- OH MY GOD SLY RACCOON 4 Thieves In Time! I think I peed a little! AWESOME! SO DAMN AWESOME! So happy!
- Dust 514. Another damn shooter. E3 seems to just be casual games and shooters. Bloody hell. Uses Move.
- Bioshock Infinite. How much longer do I have to wait for this? Such a torturous wait! It uses PS Move. That's kinda cool. Will include the first Bioshock on the same disc. Cool.
- A Bioshock universe game for NGP. Interesting...
- Saint Row 3 will use Move and a Star Trek game as well. Meh.
- SSX. Yeah again? Exclusive PS3 stage.
- Need For Speed: The Run will be on PS3 with exclusive cars.
- Battlefield 3 will get Battlefield 1943 on the same disc for PS3.
- PlayStation Suite info again. Selling PS experiences on smart phones. Meh.
- NGP is officially PlayStation Vita. Man what a sucky name. I'm still calling it NGP! I don't care! 3G confirmed for it. They are using AT&T in the US for it... sucked in! Sorry about that. It's uses chat rooms for talking online with friends. Near is another part of it's online stuff.
- Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PS Vita(blech!). Looks good visually. Touch screen melee attacks... dumb, movement for platforming and traversing, dumb. Still uses normal controls so that's a plus.
- Ruin. It works between PS3 and PS Vita(blech!). Looks like Diablo. Action combat looks like you'd expect. Meh.
- ModNation Racers for PS Vita(blech!). It's not a port apparently. Has a touch focus for the editor and uses both the back and front touch controls. Meh, I had fun with the PS3 version and don't think I'll bother with another.
- Wipeout 2043 to be released with PS Vita(hate that name soooo much!)
- LittleBigPlanet for PS Vita(NGP). Touch controls... meh. I like LittleBig Planet but I'm not sold on touch controls.
- Streetfighter X Tekken. There's going to be a NGP version of it. Cole McGrath to be playable in the game on PS3 and PS Vita.
- PS Vita same price as 3DS for Wifi and the 3G is US$50 more expensive. Will release holiday season. I'll wait to be honest.
Still hate the name of the NGP but hey, Sly Raccoon 4! Best game reveal of E3 until tomorrow. I am so hoping Nintendo tomorrow announces Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword for new console. We'll see if Nintendo will out do it's competitors tomorrow. Can't wait!
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